Things you need to know before getting new braces

Over the years, dental braces have changed quite a lot. People have many misconceptions about different types of braces. In this article, you will find out all the essential things you need to know before committing to an orthodontic treatment.

  1. The age limit makes no difference

Usually when people think of orthodontic braces, they are thinking of teenagers. But as the modern techniques have developed, adults also started getting braces. If the teeth and gums are healthy, anyone can benefit from the power of braces. No more crooked and misaligned teeth. Unfortunately, those who have unhealthy gums, reseeded gums or bone loss are not recommended to wear braces because the result can cause unfavorable complications.
Most people who get braces in the adulthood do this because their family could not afford the braces treatment when they were children. But now, as they want to improve their smile and dental health they resort to an orthodontist. Other adults that had braces when they were little did not wear retainers after and their teeth became crooked one again.

  1. The bite is more important than straightness and aesthetics

People usually think that the only role braces have is the straightening of the teeth. In reality, braces do a lot more. They correct your bite. The first thing an orthodontist should check is the bite. That way he is able to evaluate the way your top and bottom teeth meet when you close and open your mouth. If the bite is not correct, then the orthodontist will make it better, and the final result will make your teeth look great and in the future you will experience no pain when eating.

  1. An orthodontist has more training than a dentist in regard to braces

You may think of your dentist as the best there is. There are a lot of people out there that did that mistake. When you have a heart problem, you don’t go to a neuro-surgeon. You go to a heart surgeon. If you need braces, you need to go to an orthodontist. He is specially trained to do the best job.

  1. Most consultations are free. You can get as many as you want

People get referrals to an orthodontist from a friend or their dentist. Most orthodontists don’t charge you for a consultation. If you are not sure of the result one orthodontist gave you at the end of the consultation, you can get a second opinion, especially if an orthodontist recommends tooth extraction. Furthermore, there are many ways to move your teeth. Different orthodontists use different methods. You just need to pick the one you feel most comfortable with.

  1. Braces’ type is not so important

Most adults go to an orthodontist hoping they will get Invisalign or similar “invisible braces treatment”, but only a small percentage are actual candidates for this type of plastic aligners. This happens because most treatments don’t work so well with Invisalign as they would with traditional braces. Today there are a lot of traditional tooth color braces that are not full metal.

Remember that taking the responsibility of braces means you need to take good care of them. You need to keep your braces clean. They can get bacterial buildup and also plaque. You need to clean your braces every single night with specially created bacteria-killing products. A proper braces cleaning product will ensure the safety and hygiene of your teeth.