Invisalign Treatment: Comfortable Way to Get a Straighter Smile

smile with Invisalign

You’re probably thinking of getting Invisalign or just curious on what it’s all about. Well, Invisalign is a great way to enhance one’s smile. While there are other treatment options that more or less do the same thing, we’re going to focus on Invisalign. Orthodontists in Bellevue are going to understand why so many patients prefer this treatment over others. 

What makes Invisalign treatment stand out among the rest? Why is this a popular orthodontic treatment?

You’ll learn why one would choose to fix their smile with Invisalign. So, keep reading ahead!

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is a kind of orthodontic treatment that prioritizes treating teeth misalignment and bite issues. The term “Invisalign” is a brand that creates clear aligners that are in patented form. It is not just any clear aligners. Rather it’s made with SmartTrack technology that makes sure the plastic is comfortable to wear while fitting snugly in your teeth.

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, Invisalign was developed in order to make the orthodontic treatment “less noticeable.”

Let’s proceed to why it is easy and comfortable in terms of getting the perfect smile with Invisalign Treatment!

You Wear Removable Aligners

Unlike regular braces where the brackets and wires are glued to stick to one’s teeth, Invisalign comes with clear aligner trays that can be removed easily. This makes it convenient for the patient because they can remove the aligners whenever they want. 

Of course, not wearing the aligners for the required number of hours per day will prolong the treatment. This is why orthodontists will instruct their patients only to remove the trays before they eat or brush their teeth.

Other patients would remove their aligners when taking a photo of a selfie which is perfectly fine as long as they remember to wear it again after!

The Aligners are Comfortable

The clear aligner trays are made out of BPA-free, flexible thermoplastic material. The trays are custom-made to fit the current shape of the patient’s teeth. Although initially, one may feel some sort of discomfort from the pressure the trays give off, it typically goes away after some time. 

Even still, the slight discomfort is nothing compared to regular braces that can poke you with the wire or place you at a higher risk of developing canker sores!

They’re Easy to Clean, Too

If you think it’ll be a nuisance to clean the trays since they’re removable, think again. The clear aligner trays are relatively easy to clean. You have to get into the habit of cleaning them regularly to prevent bacteria from spreading.

All you have to do is soak them in the appropriate cleaning solution and brush the trays gently with a soft-bristled brush. Also, you mustn’t forget to rinse your trays every time you remove them to remove any dried saliva or plaque from building up.

It’s Close to Being Invisible

Lots of patients choose Invisalign mainly because it’s virtually hard to notice. Whereas with regular braces, people can immediately spot that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Yes, Invisalign is invisible (hence, the name), and if you don’t like your teeth being obstructed by wires and brackets, then this treatment option is perfect for you.

Invisalign is so discreet that nobody will be able to tell you’re wearing them! You won’t feel self-conscious when you’re out in public, making you more confident when you smile with Invisalign.

Treatment Takes Less Time

Besides the discreetness of the clear aligner trays, the entire treatment duration is relatively quick compared to regular braces. In a lot of cases, patients can already tell a noticeable difference by the twelfth-week mark of the entire treatment period. 

Additionally, you’ll also spend less time at the orthodontist’s office because there’s no need for retightening or readjustments for Invisalign. As long as the patient remains disciplined and follows their orthodontist’s instructions, then the treatment progress will go just as planned.

Treats a Number of Orthodontic Concerns

Invisalign can exert gentle pressure in making teeth move, right? Besides that, this orthodontic treatment can resolve other issues, too. Invisalign can treat crowded teeth, crooked teeth, gapped teeth, overlapping teeth, overbites, underbites, open bites, and even cross-bites.

No Need to Change Your Dental Hygiene Routine

As mentioned previously, the clear aligner trays are removable, and you must remove them while brushing your teeth. With traditional metal and ceramic braces, you will have to tweak your cleaning routine a bit. This is due to the fact that there are wires and brackets present. With Invisalign, you just simply remove them and clean your teeth how you normally would. It’s hassle-free, and you wouldn’t need to buy special cleaning tools just to brush your teeth.

Achieves Similar Results as Traditional Metal Braces

Did you know that Invisalign actually uses the same mechanism that regular braces use to move teeth too? Traditional braces would need the help of the brackets and wires to apply pressure to the teeth, while Invisalign utilizes aligners for applying the same kind of pressure. 

In the case of Invisalign, instead of tightening the archwire to move on with the progress of the treatment, the orthodontist will hand their patient a new set of aligners to wear. 

It’s a Great Treatment Option for Everyone

When it comes to making decisions about orthodontic care, the cost of the treatment is a huge factor in reaching a conclusion. There are ways to be able to afford Invisalign, and this can be through dental insurance or promos and discounts.

The fact that Invisalign can treat a number of dental concerns just goes to show how versatile this treatment is. Anyone can be a perfect candidate for Invisalign.

That being said, it’s always best to consult with an orthodontist to further assess the severity of your dental concern and how Invisalign will correct that.

smile with Invisalign

Have a Better Smile with Invisalign at Orthodontic Excellence

Orthodontic Excellence offers Invisalign in Newcastle and Bellevue, WA as the most optimum way of straightening teeth for individuals who don’t like the wires and brackets regular braces come with.

Achieve your dream smile with Invisalign and contact us to make an appointment or ask any questions regarding orthodontic treatment.