Top 7 Advantages of Early Orthodontic Treatment in Kids

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment is a crucial part of every child’s dental health care. More than we realize, it can help avoid a lot of potential dental problems later in life. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, a child needs to be evaluated by the age of seven.

What is Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics, in general, is the branch of dentistry concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of irregularities in the teeth. Orthodontists use braces, aligners, expanders, retainers, and other corrective appliances to bring teeth and jaws into proper alignment.

Early Orthodontic treatment, also called interceptive orthodontics, helps in correcting any early signs of orthodontic problems, like overcrowding of teeth or incorrect jaw growth, before they become serious. Pediatric orthodontists work with children from their early years, to identify signs of early orthodontic problems and treat them in the early stages.

Here are the top 7 advantages of getting early orthodontic treatment for your child.

#1 – Prevention of more serious problems

Early intervention helps your child avoid problems such as early loss of baby teeth, overcrowding of permanent teeth, incorrect jaw growth, and other jaw development problems. When the crucial stage of orthodontics has passed for a child, it becomes more difficult to correct these issues in the later years.

But with early orthodontic treatment, your child can maximize the early growth of their mouth and jaw to avoid further complications. It does not necessarily mean that they are getting braces treatment. But, early orthodontic treatment means they will be monitored from early on and receive intervention when necessary.

#2 – Improved oral health

When your child’s mouth is monitored early, the pediatric orthodontist can easily spot early indications of tooth decay or gum diseases and provide early intervention. Some early signs of orthodontic problems can only be seen by a professional, and early treatment helps them become aware of these issues early and intervene in the early stages of decay.

Early orthodontic treatment also reduces the risk of gum diseases, cavities, and more serious periodontal issues by improving your child’s oral hygiene.

#3 – Space maintenance

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early treatment helps in maintaining the space for permanent teeth. If early loss of baby teeth occurs, early orthodontic intervention can help maintain the space and make sure permanent teeth erupt properly.

When the space for permanent teeth is not compromised, it leads to correct jaw growth and proper development of the face. A child with correct jaw growth can easily bite, chew and speak properly, and they will no longer need braces or clear aligners for correction.

#4 – Facial profile improvement

A person’s facial profile largely depends on jaw and teeth alignment. If early orthodontic intervention takes place, the child’s facial profile can be improved easily as their jaw and teeth are developing early on.

With early treatment, your child can have the correct bite, proper jaw alignment, and an attractive facial profile with improved beauty.

#5 – Improved self-confidence and esteem

With early orthodontic treatment, your child can have improved oral health and the correct bite, leading to improved self-confidence and a sense of esteem. They will be more confident in smiling, talking, and socializing with others.

Also, early orthodontic treatment can help your child avoid complex and embarrassing orthodontic problems later in life.

#6 – Shorter time wearing braces or aligners

Early treatment can help your child avoid complex orthodontic problems and severe misalignments. As early interventions are done to control the early signs of misalignments, your child will tend to wear braces or aligners for a shorter time than those who wait for early treatment.

#7 – Cost savings

The early treatment of orthodontic problems can help you and your child save a lot in terms of costs. As early intervention prevents complex orthodontic problems and early loss of teeth, it can help you avoid costly treatments in the future.

As mentioned earlier, early orthodontic treatment also reduces the risk of costly gum diseases, cavities, and other problems. Therefore, it can help save time and money in the long run.

Consult a Pediatric Orthodontist in Bellevue & Newcastle WA for your Child’s Early Orthodontic Care

Pediatric Orthodontist in BellevueDr. Megha Anand is an orthodontist in Bellevue & Newcastle, WA providing Invisalign® and braces to patients of all ages. Dr. Anand, and her orthodontic team, have worked with a lot of pediatric patients and understand the importance of early orthodontic intervention.

We also understand that young patients’ needs are different than adults. For that, our team is dedicated to making your child’s experience a positive one, ensuring that they are comfortable and 100% satisfied from beginning to end.

Here’s what people are saying about our early orthodontic treatment at Orthodontic Excellence:


Ana Le

I’m quite impressed with the full braces treatment for my 11-year-old daughter. My child has an overbite and I told Dr. Anand that I do not want any tooth extracted like another orthodontist recommended for a quick, easy fix. It would not be an option. It was for this reason, a nice office and location that we chose Dr. Anand.

Dr. Anand has done a great job on my younger daughter and is right on the 2-year plan schedule. My 2 older kids went with another ortho, and the treatments took 4-5 years with problems like TMJ and high sensitivity. My older daughter’s teeth don’t look pretty or perfect. I wish that my older kids had Dr. Anand treat them. You get what you pay for.

Parmjit Ghuman

I had my son’s treatment here and have been very happy with the results. Now, I started my Invisalign treatment here and am loving my smile. Dr. Megha has been very helpful and is the best. Love the staff here. Very welcoming. Highly recommend this place!!

Krist Hammond

Both of my daughters have had amazing service from Orthodontic Excellence. We have completed phase 1 and now my oldest daughter is halfway through her phase 2 treatment. Recently I was concerned with rubber bands and singing or being able to open her mouth in general; Dr. Megha eased our concerns and made it so my daughter will have a successful choir future. We are happy with the location and ease of scheduling as well.

Book an Appointment

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Megha Anand today! Our two offices are located in Bellevue (12917 SE 38th St #204 Bellevue, WA) and Newcastle (6981 Coal Creek Pkwy SE Newcastle, WA), Washington. If you have any questions, you can also contact our offices or visit our website.