
Braces Newcastle

Do you have a child that is undergoing orthodontic treatment? Are you looking for ways to make the experience fun for him/her? For parents getting their child to see the longterm benefits of braces can be a tough sell, but we here at Orthodontic Excellence near Newcastle know that it all pays off in the end.

3 Ways to Help Make Wearing Braces More Fun for Your Child

  • Make orthodontic visits something special. We at Orthodontic Excellence always say that it’s great to plan a special activity after a successful visit to the orthodontist (e.g., going to the park or seeing a movie)
  • Colored brands. Colored bands are now quite common and come in an array of colors to choose from. They also allow children to be apart of the process in a fun way, and it becomes something that they start looking forward to at their adjustment visits
  • Make a game out of brushing. Several toothbrushes on the market today are designed to help children understand and enjoy good oral hygiene

If you live or work in the Newcastle area, contact us today to get your child(ren) started on a fun and exciting journey to healthy, beautiful teeth!