Author Archives: Presmult Dev

Four Types Of Braces And Their Pros And Cons

When it comes to orthodontic appliances, nowadays you have a range of possibilities to choose from. A couple of decades ago, wearing braces meant wearing a strange metal device that looked like something taken out of a horror movie. But … Continue reading

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Coping With The Psychological Effects Of Wearing Braces

While braces are a wonderful invention that helps you straighten your smile and achieve a better quality of life, for some people, they are often associated with a big psychological discomfort. They fear of impaired speech, metal smile and being … Continue reading

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Children and Orthodontics (part 2)

In the first part of the article, you found out how useful braces are, how they are applied and what types of orthodontics devices are used to correct teeth and jaw misalignment. Now you will understand the necessity of orthodontists … Continue reading

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Children and Orthodontics (part 1)

When your child changes all their teeth, it is important to see an orthodontist. Today many children have a misaligned jaw or crooked teeth.  This problem can be corrected only by an orthodontist, which is professionally trained to work on … Continue reading

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How Can You Benefit From Lingual Braces?

Today you have many options available to you if you want to get your teeth straightened. Unfortunately, most of the people don’t know about the lingual braces. But what are they and how do they differ from all those others … Continue reading

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Broken Braces?

Today at least 25 percent of the Americans are wearing or have worn braces or a retainer. These are very helpful and help straighten your teeth. But they also come with a lot of responsibility. You need to be aware … Continue reading

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How dentists and hygienists keep the health of your mouth

People need to be aware of the importance of dental care. Unfortunately for 99 percent of the people this does not happen. Because of that, people suffer from various dental conditions such as cavities, gingivitis and periodontal disease. That is … Continue reading

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Am I too old for braces? Well, not quite!

Braces aren’t only for children anymore. There are numerous purposes that lead grown-ups to consider braces. People need to look and feel their best. Here are a couple of the leading causes for an orthodontist trip: A straighter smile. Who … Continue reading

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TMJ-Migraines, Headaches and Braces

Braces can help your TMJ headaches and migraines The condition of misalignment of the jaw is called TMJ. Most people who experience some type of trauma to the mouth suffer from this condition. Also people who clench their jaw or … Continue reading

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Things you need to know before getting new braces

Over the years, dental braces have changed quite a lot. People have many misconceptions about different types of braces. In this article, you will find out all the essential things you need to know before committing to an orthodontic treatment. … Continue reading

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