Author Archives: Presmult Dev

The most convenient way to transform your smile – Invisalign

Are you perfectly happy with your smile? Or are you one of those 50% of Americans, who are not satisfied with their teeth appearance?  Yes, it is half of our nation that is not happy with their smiles, even though … Continue reading

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Oral health and diabetes

Oral Total Health

More than 30 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes. This means that almost 10% of the population has diabetes.  Moreover, around 1.7 million new patients are diagnosed each year. What is worse is that more than 8.1 … Continue reading

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Is your jaw hurting? Watch Out For TMD!

Jaw Pain

Temporomandibular disorders are problems that affect the jaw joint. It is a condition that produces a lot of pain and reduces the movement of the jaw joint. There are a lot of different cases of TMD, but most of the … Continue reading

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What is the best type of toothbrush when you are wearing braces?

best type of toothbrush

You are probably new to braces. There are many things you have to learn, such as how can you maintain a good oral hygiene. It is crucial for you to clean your mouth properly using the best type of toothbrush … Continue reading

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Bad habits and foods that stain your teeth

Kids Teeth Problem

Is your smile no longer as bright as it used to be? You need to understand that it is easy to stain your teeth if you smoke, eat and drink certain things. In time, all these habits will have an … Continue reading

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Dental bridges – how can they help you?

Teeth Gap

People’s teeth, if not cared for properly, will not last. If you do not take care of your teeth, you can suffer from cavities, gingivitis, dental decay, periodontal disease, abscesses and tooth loss. Losing a tooth can be extremely distressing. … Continue reading

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Braces versus Invisalign

Invisalign vs Braces

Everybody wants to have straight teeth. Unfortunately, many people are not born with a perfect smile. From all these people only a few try to make their smile better with the help of orthodontic treatment. If you are one of … Continue reading

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The importance of dental hygiene while wearing braces

Teeth Problem

You know that oral hygiene is important. But if you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, then oral hygiene becomes crucial. While the braces are correcting your misaligned teeth, foods can get trapped in the gear of your braces or clear aligners. … Continue reading

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Is your child grinding their teeth – Part 2

Effects of Tooth Wear

In the first part of the article you learned about how bruxism manifests, what are the common causes, based on the age and how lifestyle habits can trigger bruxism. But bruxism is a condition that can result from more than … Continue reading

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Is your child grinding their teeth? Part 1

Teeth Grinding

It may sound like a screeching and grinding, and it is as unnerving as scraping your fingernails across a blackboard. You may hear these types of sounds from your sleeping child’s bedroom, and you don’t know what it is. Bruxism, … Continue reading

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