Am I too old for braces? Well, not quite!

Braces aren’t only for children anymore.

There are numerous purposes that lead grown-ups to consider braces. People need to look and feel their best. Here are a couple of the leading causes for an orthodontist trip:

A straighter smile. Who wouldn’t like to have a flawless smile? Many people want to straighten up their teeth for a winning smile. A study was done where a series of people were given a set of photographs that showed people with straight and crooked teeth. As a result, individuals with straight teeth were more liked than then ones with crooked teeth. Another statistic shows that people with straight teeth have a higher chance of success and are more popular.

Shifting teeth. If you think that if you had braces when you were a kid, and you have nothing to worry about, you are mistaken. “Teeth tend to move a little from time to time,” says Michael B. Rogers, DDS, former president of the American Association of Orthodontists. “Your teeth may move a bit back, toward their original positions.”

Good oral health. It comes as no surprise that straight teeth are easy to take care of, brush and floss. If you are doing a good job, you can expect to avoid tooth decay and have healthier gums. You can use an antibacterial mouthwash that can help your teeth and gums be free of plaque. The plaque is bacteria that sticks to your teeth and can push your gums upwards, leading to gingivitis and later to gum disease.

Braces help you deal with some more difficult issues, for example, bite issues that cause jaw pain. Sometimes braces need to be used to change the position of neighbouring teeth to prepare them for a new crown, implant or bridge.


 The new option you can resort to.

Today’s braces are barely visible. You can choose:

  • Ceramic braces. They are made from a clear material that is not so obvious as the traditional braces, made of metal
  • Brackets that are attached to the back of the teeth. The holding wires are also on the interior and are moving your teeth into the correct position.
  • Customised plastic aligners. They can fit like tooth guards over teeth and gently move your bite into position.


What’s in store

To what extent you’ll have to wear braces depends on what you have to correct. Most treatments last from 12 to 44 months. “Grown-up teeth can take longer than youngsters’ teeth to move into new positions,” Rogers says. “But most of the time the treatment takes just as long as that of a child.”

You’ll have to have a perfect oral care when you have braces. A few dental practitioners recommend brushing after every supper and at sleep time. Flossing is different when you wear braces, however, if you want to remove the food particles and plaque. Your dentist will reveal to you how. Antiseptic mouthwash can likewise get into spots that a toothbrush can’t reach and help decrease the risk of developing plaque and gingivitis (gum irritation).

Once the teeth are in the correct position, you will need to wear a retainer. Numerous orthodontists now suggest permanent retainers that are fitted and connected to the back of teeth.