Oral health and diabetes

Oral Total Health

More than 30 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes. This means that almost 10% of the population has diabetes.  Moreover, around 1.7 million new patients are diagnosed each year. What is worse is that more than 8.1 million people are living with this disease without even knowing they have it. Diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body normally processes sugar. All the food you consume is turned into sugars, which is later used as energy.

In Type I diabetes, there is a deficit of insulin created by the human body. Insulin is a hormone that transports the sugar from the blood to the cells. In Type II diabetes, the body becomes immune to insulin. Both Type I and Type II result in extremely high sugar levels, which will affect your whole body, including your eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and other parts.

Symptoms that you suffer from diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that offers some warning signs through the body. Most of the people find out they suffer from diabetes after a blood test. You may feel thirsty and that you have to urinate a lot. A common sign of diabetes is weight loss and fatigue. If a person suffering from diabetes has a low blood sugar level, then they could lose consciousness.

The mouth has to suffer a lot

If you leave diabetes untreated, not only your eyes and kidneys will have to suffer, but also your mouth. People suffering from diabetes have less saliva and suffer of dry mouth. Saliva has the role of washing the foods that get stuck in your mouth and between the teeth, and to protect the teeth from the acid in the mouth. With less saliva, you will start having a lot of cavities. In addition to this, your gums will also get inflamed and could bleed.

People who have diabetes have problems tasting the food and their wounds heal slower. Furthermore, because of diabetes, It is more likely to suffer from an infection inside the mouth (where there is a lot of bacteria living).

Why do people with diabetes suffer from aggressive gum disease?

There is a lot of bacteria living in the mouth. Actually, as a statistic, you have more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on planet Earth. This bacteria becomes plaque, which deposits at the base of the tooth, in contact with the gum line. If you do not brush regularly, the plaque will transform into tartar, irritating the gums and making them bleed more often. What is worse is that diabetic people’s wounds heal slower, and if the gums have tiny wounds, they will not recover before the next time you brush. The body of a person suffering from diabetes has a weak immune system, thus being vulnerable to infections. Gum disease is, in fact, an infection at the base of the tooth. In time, this infection could cause your teeth to fall and then you will need dental bridges and dental implants.

Ask your dentist about what you have to do to improve your oral health when suffering from diabetes.