How To Choose The Best Orthodontist

how to choose the best orthodontist

Choosing an orthodontist that you trust with you or your child’s smile is an important decision for every parent. Orthodontic treatment may last for long periods of time, so it’s important to make sure that you’re comfortable with the orthodontist and staff. Braces or Invisalign is something that stays in your memory for a lifetime, so make sure it’s something you feel good about. Here are some suggestions on how to choose the best orthodontist in Newcastle WA:

Ask someone you trust for a recommendation

Selecting the right orthodontist in Newcastle WA may seem like a difficult task, so it’s a good idea to ask about a recommendation from someone who has. Whether it’s a family member or close friend, they will be more than happy to share their experiences and recommendations with you.

Consider experience

Once you have a Newcastle orthodontist in mind, do some research on them. Find out about their educational background, their experience, and their previous work with other patients. Before scheduling a consultation with an orthodontist, ask if they are a licensed member of the American Association of Orthodontists. This ensures that they remain up-to-date on the newest and most effective forms of treatment.

Get multiple consultations

how to choose the best orthodontistMany orthodontists offer initial free consultations that provides an opportunity to evaluate patients and provide recommendations about procedures. As a result, patients are able to meet and get a preview of an orthodontist before receiving care. See how an orthodontist in Newcastle WA interacts with you and other patients. It is important to choose an orthodontic office that makes you feel comfortable and excited about treatment. You can compare these consultations in order to help make the best decision possible.

Ask questions

During an initial consultation, take the opportunity to ask questions! At OE Smiles, we believe it’s important for you to understand the type of orthodontic issues you have as well as the most effective methods of treatment. The more information you have about your own dental health, the better decisions you will make in the future.

Finding Out How To Choose The Best Orthodontist In Newcastle WA

In conclusion, Dr. Anad and our team at OE Smiles are experts in orthodontic care. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding braces, clear braces, Invisalign, and Invisalign Teen in Newcastle WA, Bellevue WA, Factoria WA, Mercer Island WA, Issaquah WA, and Renton WA. Contact OE Smiles today to arrange a free consultation. Call now 425-747-4944.